The mission of the Priory Youth Club (PYC) is to bring young people to the heart of Christ. We try to create a space outside the home in which youth can enjoy Christian fraternity and friendship, share and explore the faith with one another and pray communally, usually in the context of Eucharistic adoration.
Catholic fellowship and community is to important and vital for the youth. The PYC aims to help foster friendships and create an environment where the youth can be authentic and themselves.
Dates for 2025
Jan 10th - PYC returns after the Christmas break
Jan 24th - PYC
Feb 7th - PYC
Feb Midterm
Feb 28th - PYC resumes
March 14th - PYC
March 28th - PYC
Easter Break
April 25th - PYC
May 2nd - Last PYC for semester
This Semester, the PYC will be delving into ‘The Mass’ video series led by our own Dominican Priest Fr. Philip Mulryne O.P.
PYC resumes this Friday 20th Sept from 7pm to 8.30pm in the Pastoral Centre.
It is for teenagers from 14 – 17 years of age.
Fee: €10 per semester.
Layout of a regular PYC Friday gathering:
7pm – Doors open!!
7.15pm – Opening Prayer
7.20pm – Games!!
7.45pm – Faith formation
8pm – small group workshop
8.20pm – Closing Prayer
8.30pm – Time to say Goodbye!!
It is important for the youth to grow a love for Jesus in the Eucharist, so that is why we try have a ‘Healing Service‘ once or twice a semester where the youth spend in in Eucharistic adoration and confessions would be available during that time. We would have praise and worship. PYC looks different every semester, we have gone bowling with pizza after, soccer in the Glenn with Pizza after and many other activities.
All are welcome to join us for food, social time, and games, followed by worship, a teaching about our faith, small group discussion, and prayer.re welcome to join us for food, social time, and games, followed by worship, a teaching about our faith, small group discussions.
Our goal is to equip the youth to be leaders, to come to know the mission that we all have as Baptised Catholics, that we are commissioned with the Holy Spirit to imitate the self sacrificing love of Christ.
The Priory Youth Club have started a leadership pathway with the youth and hope that through this leadership platform, that the youth will become leaders of the PYC or get involved in other faith based leadership platforms when they finish with the PYC.
If you are interested in the PYC, either your youth is interesting in participating or you would like to be a volunteer with the PYC, please complete the form and St Mary’s will be in touch with you.