Who are the Lay Dominicans? (Third Order of Saint Dominic)
We are Lay people who are members of the Dominican Order and who form one family with the Friars and Nuns. We pray daily for the Church in the Divine Office and meet monthly to pray together and be guided by our Spiritual Director.
As members of the Order of Preachers, Lay Dominicans are men and women, single or married, living a Christian life with a Dominican spirituality in the secular world.
After church investigations confirmed her visions, a large church was built at the site. Lourdes is now a major Marian pilgrimage site.
The members of this order receive during life a share every day in thousands of Masses and prayers, and after death when so many are neglected by their relatives, those who are members of the Lay Dominicans have a share daily in thousands of other Masses and prayers as long as they remain in Purgatory.
Why be a Lay Dominican?
Would love to learn more about their faith
Prays the Divine Office daily, Lauds (Morning) and Vespers (Evening)
Says the Rosary daily
Attends the monthly Chapter meeting
Regular Mass and communion
Daily prayers for all Dominicans
Daily Lectio Divina (prayerful reading of the Sacred Scriptures)
Confession at least monthly
Discerns ways to preach in their everyday life
Some Characteristics of a Lay Dominican
Stages to becoming a Lay Dominican
Enquirer: attend your nearest fraternity where you are welcomed as an ‘Enquirer’ for up to a year. This allows you time to listen, talk and pray and to discern whether you do have a vocation to the Dominicans.
Admitted: You may then apply to be ‘Admitted’
First/Temporary Profession:after a further year of study and prayer you can make your First or Temporary Profession.
Final Profession: If it seems right for you, you make your Final Profession. This is a commitment for life.
Lay Dominicans Chapter of St Marys Cork meet on the Fourth Thursday of every month at 7.30pm in the Pastoral Centre
For more information email:
catherine.attridge@hotmail.com or michaelgosullivan@gmail.com