Lectio Divina is latin for 'Divine Reading'. We have small groups who gather once a week to ponder and pray with the Sunday Gospel of the following week. It is a beautiful intimate setting and all are welcome. The practice of Lectio Divina as a way of praying the Scriptures has been a fruitful source of growing in relationship with Christ for many centuries and in our own day is being rediscovered by many individuals and groups. The Word of God is alive and active and will transform each of us if we open ourselves to receive what God wants to give us.

Lectio Divina takes place on Monday and Tuesday evenings in the Priory rooms.

  • Monday evening begins at 7pm

  • Tuesday evening begins at 7.30pm

Tuesday after 11am Mass, Lectio Divina takes place in St. Martin's Chapel beside St. Mary's Church with Fr. Brendan Clifford O.P.
Fr. Brendan is renowned all over Ireland as a Biblical expert.

For more information, please email Michael at dominicanscork@gmail.com