Catholic Christian Outreach Canada is a Catholic missionary organization that is present at several Canadian universities and parishes. It seeks to bring adults and youth into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, equip them to live in the fullness of the Catholic faith, and build them up as leaders in evangelization.

CCO was first brought to Ireland over 2 years ago and St. Mary's Priory was the pioneering church to be trained up in this ministry. 

We have over 12 leaders that have gone through the CCO faith studies and over 100 + adults complete the faith studies. 

The 2 faith studies St. Mary's use is 'Discovery' and 'Source'. 

Discovery is a gentle faith study that helps one come into relationship with God our Father and Jesus as our Lord and Savior. 

Source is a faith study that invites participants into a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. 

Each course is 6 weeks long and the participants would meet up in a small group setting once a week. 

Catholic Christian Outreach 

If you are interested or want to find out more, please email