After accepting Christ, it’s essential to “build” them in the Faith. This involves regular formation, fostering prayer, fellowship, sacraments, and teachings (Acts 2:42). These habits deepen their friendship with Christ, helping them become more like Him. We model the Christian life, praying, and serving together, gradually teaching them to lead others.
We identify leaders using the FACT criteria: Faithful, Available, Contagious, and Teachable. We invite these individuals to participate in evangelization, understanding its importance and their role in it.
In this stage of discipleship, we invite the person to participate in CCO Faith studies - Growth and Source. These faith studies invites the participant to accept Jesus as Lord and invites them into a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Following these faith studies, and discernment of the leadership team, the participant is invited to do the third faith study called 'Commission'. This faith studies delves into the richness of the encyclicals of the Popes on Mission and Evangelisation. It explains how we are all called to mission, in big ways and small ways.
Following the CCO faith studies, the participant is invited to do Genesis. This is a 7 week course, for 1.5 hours a week. It is done either in person or via zoom. The Genesis Mission is a method of teaching people how to evangelize.

Reviews from Participants
“I strongly recommend the incredible Dominican run CCO and Genesis courses . The wide ranging information I learned from the wonderful tutors and written materials radically deepened my Faith , understanding and Joy in the Lord.”
— John Boylan
“The CCO and Genesis model is just what we need to give us confidence and learn the skills to bring Jesus to people. CCO invites us to that personal relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, while Genesis equips us with skills and challenges us to step out in our daily encounters to bring Jesus wherever we go. The joy you will experience is immeasurable. This is what the Church has been waiting for. ”
— Mary Therese Crowley