St Mary’s Dominican Priory, in collaboration with the Laity, is committed to form Christian leaders for the building up of God’s Kingdom.

Mass & Confession Times

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacrament of Confession are at the centre of our ministry at St Mary’s.


Young Adults

The Friars recognise that community is key for Catholic young adults today



Our Community of Friars are passionate that everybody who attends the church feel part of the Dominican Family.


Youth Ministry

Our main youth ministry is our Priory Youth Club (PYC). which aims to bring young people to the heart of Christ, through fraternity and friendship, sharing and exploring the faith, and prayer.


Children’s Ministry

St Mary’s, in collaboration with lay volunteers, focus their ministry to Children, and their families, on Sundays


New organ for St Mary’s

€100 per key.
Donors names displayed on a plaque.

Buy a key here