Youth ministry - youth group

Youth Ministry

The mission of the Priory Youth Club (PYC) is that we aim to bring young people to the heart of Christ. We try to create a space outside the home in which youth can enjoy Christian fraternity and friendship, share and explore the faith with one another and pray communally, usually in the context of Eucharistic adoration.

The Priory Youth Club uses Lifeteen Ministry as a support in exploring the faith.

The PYC takes place every Friday at 7pm.

Each Night varies slightly with examples being:

Night 180
7pm-7.15pm -Welcome and chats
7.15pm-7.30pm- Opening Prayer and Intro to Topic
7.30pm-8.15pm- 180 series (video, small group discussion, and time of reflection)
8.15pm-8.30pm- Closing Prayer

Wild card Night
Guest speaker, games, pizza and treats, show, hands on games etc

Night of Healing
Adoration with Benediction, Confession, Scripture passages, and talk.

All leaders have been Garda Vetted and have trained in Safeguarding.
Policy here


Contact us

Priory Youth Club Logo

“My children, jump, run and play and make all the noise you want but avoid sin like the plague and you will surely gain heaven… to know that you are young is sufficient reason for me to care for your welfare. I care for you, because you have in your hearts the treasure of virtue.” St John Bosco – Patron Saint of the Priory Youth Club.