Holy Week Schedule
Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday at 9am
During the three days leading up to Easter, also known as the Sacred Triduum, in the morning prayers are combined for Dominican Friars together in a special way, with ancient rubrics, forming Tenebrae (meaning Darkness).
The ceremony of Tenebrae is similar each morning. During the first part, there are three Psalms, a versicle and response, and readings. During the second section, one will hear more Psalms, a versicle and response, and the Benedictus Canticle, which is the song of thanksgiving given by Zachariah upon the occasion of the circumcision of his son, John the Baptist. Following this, the Our Father (said in silence), and a reflection on the death of Our Lord, (Respice quaesumus).
Holy Thursday
Confessions 11am-12 noon and 7-7:45pm
Mass of the Last Supper at 8pm
Good Friday
Confessions 11am-12 noon and 5:45pm – 7pm
Stations of the Cross at 12 noon and at 5pm (with choir).
The Lord’s Passion 3pm
Veneration of the Cross with choir 6-8pm
Holy Saturday
Confessions 11am – 8pm
Vigil Mass 9pm